
The Society has published its Byzantine liturgical calendar for the year 2024/25 (Anno Mundi 7533). The menologion, as it is known in Greek, follows the Gregorian calendar for both the solar and…

The Society has published its Byzantine liturgical calendar for August 2024. The menologion, as it is known in Greek, follows the Gregorian calendar for both the solar and lunar year and features feasts…

The Society has published its Byzantine liturgical calendar for July 2024. The menologion, as it is known in Greek, follows the Gregorian calendar for both the solar and lunar year and features feasts…

The Society has published its Byzantine liturgical calendar for June 2024. The menologion, as it is known in Greek, follows the Gregorian calendar for both the solar and lunar year and features feasts…

The Society has published its Byzantine liturgical calendar for May 2024. The menologion, as it is known in Greek, follows the Gregorian calendar for both the solar and lunar year and features feasts…

The Society has published its Byzantine liturgical calendar for April 2024. The menologion, as it is known in Greek, follows the Gregorian calendar for both the solar and lunar year and features feasts…

The liturgical schedule for Great & Holy Week and Holy Pascha at Saint Theodore Greek Catholic Mission has been confirmed. Full details are in the image below:

Statement of the Permanent Synod of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church In light of the interview of Pope Francis Conducted by Radio Télévision Suisse We do not yet have a full version of the interview given by Pope Francis to the RTS (Radio Télévision…