
The Society of Saint John Chrysostom works for the unity of the Churches of East and West through prayer and liturgy, conferences and lectures, pilgrimage and ecumenical encounters.

You can join us in our mission and become a member by completing the digital form below or by printing this form and posting or emailing it back to the addresses provided. The small membership fee greatly aids us in our ecumenical endeavour.

If you are filling out the online form, please remember to set up your online payment using the drop-down menu and ‘Subscribe’ button beneath. Please note there is presently an issue with our PayPal account which means we are unable to accept online payments at this time. Please either make a bank transfer (Account Number: 13349031, Sort Code: 560003) or post cheque or cash to Society of Saint John Chrysostom, 34 Heron Close, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2JD. Contact the Treasurer if you require any assistance.

i.e. Roman Catholic Church, Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Russian Orthodox Church, Church of England, etc.
Please pay via PayPal below once you have submitted this form.
For bank transfers and standing orders, send payment to Account Number: 13349031, Sort Code: 560003. Post cheques to: Society of Saint John Chrysostom, 34 Heron Close, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2JD.
Type "N/A" if you do not have a post code


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Data Privacy & Protection Notice

The Society of Saint John Chrysostom holds certain personal data belonging to members, those who have contacted us in connection with the field in which the Society works. We also sometimes gather personal data that enables us to contact others known to be interested in the same field in pursuit of their own interests and ours. Some of these are collected from the public domain, or have been supplied by an authority or organisation of which the person is representative.

Data include name and usually a postal address; and, when they have been supplied directly, or stand in the public domain, telephone number and email address.

The Society is a not-for-profit association with the following charitable and religious aims:

✠ Study, support and promote awareness of the Eastern Catholic Churches;

✠ good relations, understanding and reconciliation among the Eastern Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Church of the East Churches in their homelands and in diaspora;

✠ the reconciliation of the Churches of East and West.

Personal data are held for the following purposes in pursuit of the Society’s aims:

✠ the administration of the Society as a membership association;

✠ the promotion of its aims and objects, news and information, activities and events (for example, through circulating newsletters by post or email);

✠ the promotion and advertisement of optional related activities, events and products of potential interest (such as pilgrimages, or the Society’s membership subscription, or good causes such as recommending support to Aid to the Church in Need, or a relevant publication) for which purchase may be an involved.

The data controller is the Society of Saint John Chrysostom and personal data are never supplied to a third party without express permission and are only used in furtherance of the legitimate interests of the Society as set out above.

You may ask for your personal data to be deleted at any point, including paid and complimentary subscriptions to newsletters. We will remove such data within 30 days of receiving your request.

Please email the Society for further information, or to amend or remove the personal data we retain.

The above policy of the Society of Saint John Chrysostom, as a data controller under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation 2017, setting out the Society’s legitimate interest in holding and gathering personal data, is dated 20 May 2018.