Tag: holy week

Liturgical schedule for Great & Holy Week & Pascha

The liturgical schedule for Great & Holy Week and Holy Pascha at Saint Theodore Greek Catholic Mission has been confirmed. Full details are in the image below:

Message By His All-Holiness to the Devout Ukrainian People on the occasion of the Triumphal Entry of our Lord Jesus Christ into the Holy City of Jerusalem | Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Your Excellencies, the political and ecclesiastical leaders of the Orthodox people of Ukraine; Beloved and precious Orthodox Ukrainian faithful: Слава Ісусу Христу! The Holy Mother and Great Church of Christ of Constantinople…

A Blessed and Peaceful Holy Friday to all !

Today He who hung the earth upon the waters is hung upon the Cross. He who is King of the angels is arrayed in a crown of thorns. He who wraps the…

Fairouz sings the Passion of Christ

Fairouz, the legendary Lebanese singer, singing the 15th Antiphon at Matins of Good Friday in 1965 at a church in Beirut in Lebanon: Today he who hung the earth upon the waters…

Good Friday Arabic Catholic Hymn – Wa Habibi

English Catholics will recognise the melody of this hymn, to which we sing the poignant penitential and Passiontide hymn, God of Mercy and Compassion. It is a French traditional tune (Au sang…