Tag: melkite

Absi elected Melkite Patriarch Joseph I

Archbishop Joseph Absi has been elected Melkite Patriarch of Antioch!  Αξιος!  Аѯіосъ!!  Axios! photo of the newly-elected Patriarch Joseph مبروك ولسنين كثيرة سيدنا The Society of Saint John Chrysostom congratulates the new…

Resignation of Melkite Patriarch Gregory III

Gregorios III and Sviatoslav of Kyiv To His Beatitude Gregory III Laham Patriarch of Antioche of the Greco-Melkites  and to all the Bishops of that Church Beatitude and Venerable Brothers in Christ, In…

Father John Salter, Chairman, stepping down after nearly 20 years

At the June meeting of the Committee of the Society of Saint John Chrysostom Abouna John Salter announced his retirement as the Society’s Chairman after nearly two decades of invaluable and dedicated service,…

Patriarch Gregorios: LIght a Candle of Peace for Syria

The Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III has launched an initiative entitled, Light a Candle for Hope and Peace in Syria. He has appealed to all the faithful of the Melkite Greek…