Tag: melkite

The Long-Suffering Copts

Fr John Salter writes, in Chrysostom, Pascha 2011: Of the so-called Monophysite Churches the Copts and the Armenians have borne untold suffering for the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The fifteen centuries of…

Christians and Muslims can be united more than divided

Zenit Interview with Patriarch Ignace Joseph III of Antioch of the Syrian Catholics DAMASCUS, Syria, FEB. 8, 2010 thanks to Zenit.org. Last December, Christians and Muslims gathered in Damascus for the 1st…

Patriarch Gregorios’ Visit to Alexandria and Egypt

Back from Cairo, Gregorios III says, “We are living God’s today.” H.B. Gregorios III, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, of Alexandria and of Jerusalem, is back from Cairo, where, as…

Melkite Conference on Christian-Muslim Collaboration

Interview With Greek Catholic Melkite Priest, Fr Joseph Saghbini, on the aftermath of the Middle East Assembly of the Synod of Bishops By Gabriela Maria Mihlig in Damascus, 21 January 2011, with…

Patriarch of the West: Centre for Eastern Christianity

The first Joint Theology Seminary of the new Centre for Eastern Christianity and Heythrop College will take place on the afternoon of 26th January 2011. In connection with the current concern of…