Tag: melkite

Patriarch Gregorios III Address to Pope Benedict

Address of His Beatitude Patriarch Gregorios III to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in the Melkite Greek Catholic Cathedral of St. George in Amman on 9 May 2009 during Vespers, on the…

Pope Benedict Journeys to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

The Vatican Information Service reports, 8 May 2009: The Holy Father departed from Rome‘s Fiumicino airport at 9.50 a.m. today. Following a four-hour flight, his plane landed at the Queen Alia airport…

Who are Eastern Catholics? – Part Two

Catherine Alexander continues to speak with Father Maximos of Holy Resurrection Romanian Catholic Monastery in Newberry Springs, CA about Eastern Catholic identity.

Papal Greetings to the People of the Holy Land

The Vatican Information Service reports, 6 May 2009, that the Pope at his weekly General Audience, recalling how on Friday he will begin his apostolic trip to the Holy Land, read out…

Fairouz sings the Passion of Christ

Fairouz, the legendary Lebanese singer, singing the 15th Antiphon at Matins of Good Friday in 1965 at a church in Beirut in Lebanon: Today he who hung the earth upon the waters…

Good Friday Arabic Catholic Hymn – Wa Habibi

English Catholics will recognise the melody of this hymn, to which we sing the poignant penitential and Passiontide hymn, God of Mercy and Compassion. It is a French traditional tune (Au sang…

Christianity in Iraq Seminar Day VI

The Centre of Eastern and Orthodox Christianity at the School Of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, will host its sixth seminar on Saturday April 25th 2009 at the Brunei…