Tag: melkite

Letter of His Beatitude Patriarch Gregorios III for Pascha 2009

Paul, Apostle of the Resurrection “..You are risen with Christ” (Colossians 3:1) From Gregorios, servant of Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, Patriarch of Antioch and of All the East, of…

Holy Father’s Visit to the Holy Land

The programme of Benedict XVI’s apostolic trip to the Holy Land, due to take place from 8 to 15 May, has been announced. The Pope will depart from Rome’s Fiumicino airport at…

Helping Christians in the Holy Land

Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, has sent a letter to the bishops of the world encouraging them to participate in the collection for the Holy Land,…

Sunday of Orthodoxy & Blessing of Icons

Sunday 1st March saw the Melkite Greek Catholic parish of St John Chrysostom welcome the British Association of Iconographers to St Barnabas Church in Pimlico, Lonodn SW1, to celebrate the Sunday of…

Chrysostom – Newsletter 8, All Saintstide 2008

Father John Salter, Chairman of the Society, writes in the Chrysostom All Saintstide edition: Dear Members and Friends, Our membership is growing slowly but surely and we are hoping to recruit new…

Repose of Archbishop Elias Zoghby, 1912-2008

Fr John Salter writes: His Beatitude Patriarch Gregorios III, Melkite Greek Catholic of Antioch and All The East, of Alexandria and of Jerusalem, the Bishops of the Holy Synod of the Melkite…

Reema Samaha

Fr John Salter writes: News has reached us via the Right Reverend Joseph Francavilla of the Melkite Greek Catholic community in the United States that Reema Damaha of the Melkite church of…

The Repose in The Lord of Sister Catherine Lucienne van den Plas

Fr John Salter writes: Visitors to the Melkite Patriarchate at Raboueh, Lebanon, will have received a warm welcome from Sister van den Plas (pictured, left, with Patriarch Maximos V and a colleague).…

East-West Monastic Meeting VIIa, Turvey Abbey, October 2006

The East-West Monastic Meeting at Minster Abbey this year having little opportunity for the usual more open participation, the community of nuns belonging to the Vita et Pax Foundation within the Olivetan…