“Praise the name of the Lord, give praise, O servants of the Lord. Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing to his name, for he is great. Thy name, O…
Tag: music
This is a translation of the message of the 20th May 2010 from Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow and All Russia, to Benedict XVI on the occasion of the concert…

Introduction to Liturgical Services and their Symbolism in the Eastern Church by Patriarch Gregorios III (Laham) This book, hitherto only available in Arabic, is a wonderful educational summary of many traditions of…

Completed in 1960, this outstanding choral setting of the Divine Liturgy is also one of the first to have been written in English. Greek-American composer Peter Michaelides perceptively combines elements of Byzantine…
Follow the link in the title to a short documentary on PBS in the USA for Western Easter, introducing the music of the Byzantine tradition from Holy Cross Antiochian parish, Linthicum, Maryland.
Fairouz, the legendary Lebanese singer, singing the 15th Antiphon at Matins of Good Friday in 1965 at a church in Beirut in Lebanon: Today he who hung the earth upon the waters…
English Catholics will recognise the melody of this hymn, to which we sing the poignant penitential and Passiontide hymn, God of Mercy and Compassion. It is a French traditional tune (Au sang…