Tag: ruthenian

Anglican Uniates? Orthodox Uniates?

Fr John Salter, Chairman, in Chrysostom November All Saints 2010, writes: The Church of Jesus Christ is neither Latin, nor Greek, nor Slav, but Catholic; accordingly she makes no difference between her…

Monsignor Enrico Benedetti (1874-1941)

Among History’s Vanished The archivist of the Oriental Congregation, Gianpaolo Rigotti’s recent article “Uomini e attività della Congregazione per la Chiesa Orientale tra i motu proprio Dei providentis (1917) e Sancta Dei…

The Eightieth Anniversary of Cum Data Fuerit

Protopresbyter Lawrence Barriger writes in Irenikon, the ecumenical review of the Monatery of Chevetogne, February 22, 2009 This March marks the eightieth anniversary of the Promulgation of the Vatican decree titled Cum…

The Reluctant to Accept and Reluctantly Accepted Bishop

Dr Athanasius McVay at his blog, Annales Ecclesiae Ucrainae, has posted a recent essay on Count Roman Alexander Sheptytsky, better known as Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky, the famous leader of the Ukrainian Greek…