Through its spokesman, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the Patriarchate is intensifying its attacks on the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church at moments of ecumenical encounter between Catholics and Orthodox in wider forums. At…
Tag: uniate
Moscow, May 28, Interfax – Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has sharply criticized the Ukrainian Greek-Catholics Church. Once again, there is an enduring need to set the context for such remarks…
Our Vice Chairman’s response to a recent interview given by Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev), Head of the Department for External Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, to the National Catholic Register’s Edward Pentin, has…
Fr. Yuriy Sakvuk: A Brief History of Catholicism in Ukraine – YouTube
Interview with SSJC Committee Member in Catholic World Report The Reverend Doctor Athanasius D. McVay specializes in the 20th-century history of Vatican diplomacy and of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. He co-edited…
Those reading this article from the Union Tribune of the San Diego should bear two things in mind: (a) the reporter does not understand the difference between a Roman Catholic (a Latin…
The Christmas Papal Address to the Roman Curia seems to be an occasion when a Pope sets out the something of his defining approach for his pontificate. At one such address, Pope…
Readers who have consulted our recent post on Metropolitan Hilarion’s astonishing remarks on the integrity of a Jesuit Holy Father, in which the familiar and unfounded complaints about the Ukrainian Catholic Church’s…
A recent TV interview for Rosiya-1, reported on the Russian Orthodox Church’s website, Pravoslavie i Mir (Orthodoxy & Peace), by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department of External Relations of the Russian Orthodox…
The Life, Work, and Travels of Adrian Fortescue, by Aidan Nicholls, O.P. The Lutterworth Press, P.O.Box 60, Cambridge, CB1 2NT. £25. The cover of this book tells the reader that Father Adrian…