Pope Francis sends a message of solidarity to the Ukrainian Church and People, to Cardinal Lubomyr Husar (Retired Patriarch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church) and Cardinal Jaworski of the Latins

While most Cardinals are in Rome for the Extraordinary Consistory on the Family, there are a few who are noticeably missing.

As Ukraine deals with the country’s rising violence, Cardinals Marian Jaworski and Lubomyr Husar, decided not to attend the meeting in light of the country’s political turmoil

On Friday morning, the Pope sent them a greeting on behalf of all Cardinals. 


“They are suffering right now and they face so many challenges in their country. Maybe it would be nice to send them this message on behalf of everyone. Do you all agree? 

The protests started months ago, but violence has erupted even more in the last few days. The protests were triggered when the government decided to lessen its relationship with the European Union and increase its partnership with Russia.