Syria’s Destroyed and Damaged Churches

Just before Christmas, thanks to His Beatitude the Melkite Greek-Catholic Patriarch, Gregorios III Laham, in Damascus, we were able to post a List of the Churches and Church Institutions so far destroyed in Syria.

HB Patriarch Ignatius Youssef III Younan, Patriarch of Antioch of the Syrian Catholics, adds a further three:

  1. Homs district, Hamidyeh, Syriac Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Spirit and the adjacent Diocesan Centre, very badly damaged and burned
  2. Hassakeh District: Ras El-Ain,  Syriac Catholic Church of St Mary Magdalene, with its primary school, badly damaged.
  3. Dei-Ezzor District, of City Center, Syriac Catholic Church of St Joseph, completely destroyed.