Ukrainian Latin Bishop Stanislav Szyrokoradiuk: ‘Let’s move further than Independence Square Maidan’

Bishop Stanislav Szyrokoradiuk (Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine) held a meeting with scholars and students at the Institute of Philosophy National Academy of Sciences on Tuesday, February 4. The main topic for discussion was Maidan – mass protests in Ukraine which last already for more than two months.

The bishop says that the Ukrainians have the undeniable right to protest, and the Church has to support people and to respond to the manifestations of evil. But it is important to focus not only on the revolution within just one street (main clashes between riot police and protesters were in Kyiv’s center, on Hrushevskoho Street near government quarter) but it should cover all aspects of life.

“There is a question whether we will change after all these events? You shall not kill not only Hrushevskoho Street but also in hospitals, where people are dying constantly [because of ill-treatment]. You shall not lie in everyday life, you shall not give bribes. Changes should be in different spheres of social life. Let’s move further than the square (Maidan Nezaklezhnosti – the center of mass protests), let’s do Christianity every day,” stresses Bishop Stanislav.

He also underlined the active position of the Churches in Ukraine.

“The fact that we pray does not mean that we will be quiet and obedient…However, the main result of Maidan is that we are not afraid anymore,” concluded the bishop.

Read online at RISU here:

Bishop Stanislav Szyrokoradiuk: ‘Let’s move further than Maidan Nezalezhnosti’