ASIA/SYRIA – Hunger is the biggest danger for Syrians – Fides News Agency

Mareil Marly (Agenzia Fides) – Among the various organizations working in favor of the battered Syrian people, there is the support of the Pontifical Aid to the Church in Need, actively involved in helping refugees. Father Andrzej Halemba, head of the international ACN for the Middle East, does not hide his concern and said: “it is not easy to organize charitable activities in Syria and neighboring countries. Many areas are inaccessible and 11 000 children have already been killed by snipers or as a result of torture and executions. Since the beginning of the conflict we have involved all the institutions of the Church to raise funds for this population”. Fr. Halemba stresses that hunger is the biggest danger for Syrians. “80% of them are worried about not having enough food. Without outside help, many people will not survive”. “It is estimated that 75 % of the 22 million Syrians will need help in 2014. This year, ACN renews its support to the Christians of the Middle East through an online operation called Cadeaux de Noël messagers, which offers users to become messengers of peace through the internet website It is a concrete action aimed at raising funds for Christian families who have remained in Syria, and those refugees in neighboring countries. For ACN it is essential to give hope to the remaining Christians in Syria who are forced to live with fear every day. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 20/12/2013)

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ASIA/SYRIA – Hunger is the biggest danger for Syrians – Fides News Agency