Ukrainian Church Condemns Police Action in Kiev’s Independence Square | ZENIT – The World Seen From Rome

The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church has strongly denounced police action against protestors in Kiev’s “Independence Square” after police stormed the area which has been occupied by protesters for over a week.

“We are profoundly disturbed by the actions of the state security forces on the Maydan Square in heart of Kiev conducted under the cover of the night,” the permanent synod of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church said in a statement issued Wednesday.

Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk and the members of the permanent synod condemned “the action directed towards restricting civil liberties, especially the freedom of expression and peaceful civic manifestation of the citizens of Ukraine.”

The permanent synod also expressed its support for “the peaceful character of this civic gathering” and declared its “rejection of any type of violence.”

Read the full report here:

Ukrainian Church Condemns Police Action in Kiev’s Independence Square | ZENIT – The World Seen From Rome