ASIA/SYRIA – The monastic Community in Deir Mar Musa works for reconciliation – Fides News Agency

Nabek (Agenzia Fides) – The monks and nuns of the monastic Community of Khalil Allah in Deir Mar Musa – founded by the Roman Jesuit Dall’Oglio Paolo, who was abducted by unknown kidnappers at the end of July – have issued a Christmas letter in which they express to their friends and acquaintances the feelings and deeds that mark their path towards the feast that celebrates the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. In the letter, sent to Fides Agency, information is given on the initiatives carried out last year by members of the Community with regards to the dynamics and consequences of the conflict in Syria. In particular, we have the testimony of Brother Jacques, who works in the city of Qaryatayn, where “he dedicates all his time to accommodate refugee families who came to the monastery of Mar Elian looking for help and protection”.

Read the full report here:

ASIA/SYRIA – The monastic Community in Deir Mar Musa works for reconciliation – Fides News Agency