His Holiness Aram I meets with His Beatitude John X of Antioch and All the East

Antelias – On Wednesday 4 December 2013, His Holiness Aram I met with His
Beatitude John X Yazigi in Balamand (Lebanon). The two spiritual leaders
discussed issues related to the two Churches, the situation of their
communities in Syria and the status of the two kidnapped Archbishops.

They then focused on two recent and urgent issues: the abduction of 12 Orthodox
nuns from their convent in Syria and the proposed Geneva 2 conference on the
role of Christian communities in the peace process and reconstruction of Syria.
The two Hierarchs decided to remain in contact and strengthen their cooperation
in responding to the crises in the region.

Bishop Shahé Panossian, Prelate of Lebanon, and Bishop Norayr Ashekian were
also present at the meeting in Balamand.