SYRIA Greek orthodox patriarch Youhanna X Yazigi appeals to “conscience” of nun’s kidnappers – Asia News

“We appeal to the international community and to the rulers of the whole world to intervene for the release of the hostages. This abduction , which continues despite all the contacts made, is a flagrant violation of human dignity and path of peace and prayer”. Maronite bishops join call for the liberation of women religious .

Beirut ( AsiaNews) – An appeal to the “conscience” of the kidnappers of the Ma’aloula nuns from the Greek – Orthodox patriarch Youhanna X Yazigi, joined by the Lebanese Maronite bishops , while the Land of the Cedars also asks that Christian and Muslim holy sites in Syria are considered “neutral zones ” and that some historical places like Maaloula and Saydnaya be placed under the protection of UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.

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SYRIA Greek orthodox patriarch Youhanna X Yazigi appeals to “conscience” of nun’s kidnappers – Asia News