Copts Need Full Rights Under Egyptian Law After ‘Centuries of Persecution,’ Says Egyptian Journalist

Dr. Abdel Halim Kandil, a prominent Egyptian journalist, expressed his rejection of a quota system for Copts and other religious minorities to ensure their representation in parliament that is being considered in the new draft of the country’s constitution.

Kandil insited that they should be treated as Egyptian citizens with full rights with the understanding that Copts in the country have been suffering for centuries.

“Copts have been suffering from religious discrimination since Ottoman rule in Egypt,” Kandil told Mideast Christian News. “The displacement of Copts is a major crime,” he added.

“In addition to the sectarian conflict existing in the community, Gamaat Islamiya burned several churches following the breakup of Muslim Brotherhood sit-ins, and in retaliation for Copts’ participation in the June 30 revolution.”

Read full report here:

Copts Need Full Rights Under Egyptian Law After ‘Centuries of Persecution,’ Says Egyptian Journalist