Putin to discuss Syrian peace process with pontiff – A Russian Orthodox Church Website : A Russian Orthodox Church Website

Moscow, November 21, Interfax – Syrian settlement prospects will be an item on the agenda of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican on November 25.

“The issue will be touched upon at the audience with the Pontiff,” Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov said.

Pope Francis sent a message to Putin before the G20 St. Petersburg summit of September 2013 to laud Russia’s chairmanship in the Group of Twenty and to oppose the use of force in the settlement of the Syrian conflict. “The message created a constructive background for the discussion of the Syrian crisis at the St. Petersburg meeting of the G20 leaders. Interesting and rather positive developments occurred later on, in the light of the initiatives put forward by our president,” the Kremlin representative observed.

Full report here:

Putin to discuss Syrian peace process with pontiff – A Russian Orthodox Church Website : A Russian Orthodox Church Website