Lahham slams ‘cowardly’ acts against Christian Syrians | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

I’m not sure whether Western countries hear my appeal or have lost their sense of humanity. This was belongs in the battlefield, not in schools, churches and homes

BEIRUT: Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorius Lahham III denounced Monday “cowardly acts” targeting children, students and the elderly, particularly Christians in Damascus.

“I’m following … with great concern the bloody and painful violent events targeting our [Syrian] citizens in general, and especially our Christian children, particularly in Damascus, where shells are falling on churches, patriarchates, homes, cars, property, charity institutions and general places of worship,” Lahham said in a statement.

“Victims are falling without discrimination – elderly, disabled, young men and women, children and students in schools and universities,” he added.

Lahham referred to a Nov. 11 mortar attack that killed several schoolchildren in the Syrian capital of Damascus. He also referred to similar attacks on Sunday that hit areas in central Damascus, killing at least two people.

“This war,” which he said particularly threatens the educational journey, “should be in the battlefield and not in schools, churches and residential areas.”

Lahham lamented the absence of worldwide condemnation, except from Pope Francis, and urged both the Western and Arab worlds to “raise their voice against this cowardly war against innocent, unarmed [people].”

“I’m not sure whether Western countries hear my appeal or have lost their sense of humanity,” he added.

The patriarch also said that “we have become convinced that the war is aimed at us [Christians] after a survey conducted by [the patriarchate] showed that shelling is targeting our neighbourhoods that house our churches and institutions.”

Read more in the Lebanon Daily Star here:

Lahham slams ‘cowardly’ acts against Christian Syrians | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR