Father Vasyl Hovera, Ukrainian Catholic Church: ‘In Kazakhstan One Feels the Mystery of the Persecuted Church’

This year the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) in Kazakhstan, which has a long and dramatic history in this country, experienced a significant event. On September 15 in the capital Astana the Church of St. Joseph the Betrothed was consecrated. It was was built over 10 years. Also, in the spring the Permanent Synod of Bishops of the UGCC visited Kazakhstan. The bishops had the opportunity to learn about the life and problems of the local Greek Catholics.


The current rise of Greek Catholic life in this country is closely connected with the charismatic figure of Father Vasyl Hovera, Apostolic Delegate for Greek Catholics in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, who in the late 1990s went as a missionary to the land where once his father lived with his deported family.

Read the full interview with Fr Vasyk here;

Father Vasyl Hovera: ‘In Kazakhstan One Feels the Mystery of the Persecuted Church’