Metropolitan Hilarion: Ecumenical Relations Between Orthodox and Catholic Churches Are Going “the Right Way” | ZENIT – The World Seen From Rome

Interview by H. Sergio Mora

VATICAN CITY, November 13, 2013 ( – Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Department of External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, participated in an ecumenical meeting at the Pius XI Hall of St. Callistus, organized jointly by the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity, the Department of External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pontifical Council for the Family, on the theme “Orthodox and Catholics Together for the Family.” He is presently in Rome for several days.

Metropolitan Hilarion spoke with ZENIT on his visit Tuesday with Pope Francis and the current ecumenical dialogue taking place between the two Churches.

Read the interview here:

Metropolitan Hilarion: Ecumenical Relations Between Orthodox and Catholic Churches Are Going “the Right Way” | ZENIT – The World Seen From Rome