Head of the UGCC: We Send a Request for Forgiveness to Our Polish Brothers!

“I believe that as Christians, as representatives of our churches, we must play a very important role in the continuation of the Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation,” Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk, the head of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, said in an interview with KAI on the occasion of the upcoming 70th anniversary of the Volyn tragedy.

“And if we send a request for forgiveness to our Polish brothers, it means that we feel guilty,” he adds.

Thus KAI asked Patriarch Sviatoslav: A remarkable process of reconciliation and cooperation between Poland and Ukraine has been observed over the last couple of decades. Our churches—the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Catholic Church in Poland—have played an important role in dealing with the troubled past.  How does Your Beatitude see this process?

To find out more and see his answer’s read here