Final Report of the Synod of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, June 2010

Final Report of the  Synod of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church

at the Patriarchal Summer Residence, Ain-Traz, 21-26 June 2010


The Synod of Bishops of the
Melkite Greek Catholic Church was held at the Patriarchal Residence of Ain
Traz, Lebanon, from 21 to 26 June 2010. It was presided over by His Beatitude, Patriarch
Gregorios III
with the participation of hierarchs of the Melkite
Greek Catholic Church who had come from the Church’s eparchies in Lebanon,
Syria, Egypt, Jordan, the Holy Land, the United States of America, Canada,
Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand, together with
the superiors general of the religious orders and of the Society of
Missionaries of Saint Paul.

Their names and ranks are as

The Rt. Rev. Boulos Borkhosh,
Metropolitan of Bosra, the Hauran and Jabal Arab

The Rt. Rev. André Haddad, Archbishop of Furzol, Zahlé and all the Beqaa

The Rt. Rev. John Adel Elia, Bishop emeritus of Newton (USA)

The Rt. Rev. Ibrahim Nehmé, Metropolitan emeritus of Homs, Hama and Yabrud

The Rt. Rev. Georges Riashi, Archbishop and Patriarchal Administrator of
Tripoli – Lebanon

The Rt. Rev. Georges Kwaiter,
Archbishop emeritus of Saida and of Deir-el-Kamar

The Rt. Rev. Yuhanna (John) Assaad Haddad, Metropolitan emeritus of Tyre

The Rt. Rev. Cyril (Salim) Bustros, Archbishop-Bishop of Newton

The Rt. Rev. Boutros Mouallem, Archbishop emeritus of Saint John of Acre,
Haifa, Nazareth and all Galilee

The Rt. Rev. Isidore Battikha, Metropolitan of Homs, Hama and Yabroud

The Rt. Rev. Georges el Murr, Archbishop emeritus of Petra, Philadelphia
(Amman) and of all Transjordan

The Rt. Rev. Jean-Clement Jeanbart, Metropolitan of Aleppo, of Seleucia, of Cyr

The Rt. Rev. Farès Maakaroun, Archbishop-Bishop of  São Paulo (Brazil)

The Rt. Rev. Georges Kahhalé Zouhairaty, Apostolic Exarch of Venezuela, titular
Bishop of Abila, Lysania

The Rt. Rev. Issam John Darwish, Bishop of Sydney (Australia and New Zealand)

The Rt. Rev. Joseph Kallas, Metropolitan emeritus and Patriarchal Administrator
of Beirut and Jbeil

The Rt. Rev. Nicolas Sawaf, Archbishop of Lattakieh and Christian Valley –

The Rt. Rev. Selim Ghazal, titular Archbishop of Edessa and Patriarchal
Auxiliary emeritus

The Rt. Rev. Joseph Absi, Patriarchal Vicar in Damascus and titular Archbishop
of Tarsus

The Rt. Rev. Joseph-Jules Zerey, Patriarchal Vicar in Jerusalem and titular
Archbishop of Damietta

The Rt. Rev. Georges Nicolas Haddad, Archbishop of Paneas and Marjayyoun
(Caesarea Philippi)

The Rt. Rev. Ibrahim Michael Ibrahim, Bishop of Montreal (Canada)

The Rt. Rev. Elias Rahhal, Archbishop of Baalbek

The Rt. Rev. Georges Bacouni, Metropolitan of Tyre

The Rt. Rev. Elias Shakkour, Archbishop of Saint John of Acre, Haifa, Nazareth
and all Galilee

The Rt. Rev. Georges Bakar, Patriarchal Vicar in Egypt and Sudan, titular
Archbishop of Pelusium

The Rt. Rev. Michel Abrass,
Patriarchal Auxiliary (Bishop of Curium) and titular Archbishop of Myra

The Rt. Rev. John Abdou Arbash, Apostolic Exarch in Argentina and titular
Bishop of Palmyra

The Rt. Rev. Elia Beshara Haddad, Archbishop of Saida and Deir-el-Kamar

The Rt. Rev. Yasser
Ayyash, Archbishop of Petra and Philadelphia (Jordan)

Archimandrite Gabriel Ghanoum,
Patriarchal Administrator of the Eparchy of Mexico

Archimandrite Jean Faraj, Superior General of the Basilian Order of the
Most Holy Saviour

Archimandrite Samaan
Abdel-Ahad, Superior General of the Soarite
Basilian Order

Archimandrite Najib Tobji, Superior General of the Aleppine Basilian

Father Elia Aghia, Superior
General of the Society of Missionaries of Saint Paul

Absent and excused
were the following

The Rt. Rev. Hilarion Capucci, titular Archbishop of Caesarea in Palestine
and Patriarchal Vicar ad extra of Jerusalem

The Rt. Rev. Gregory Haddad, titular Archbishop of Adana and Metropolitan
emeritus of Beirut and Jbeil

The Rt. Rev. Boulos Antaki, titular Archbishop of Nubia and Patriarchal Vicar
emeritus in Egypt and Sudan

The Rt. Rev. Spiridon Mattar, Bishop emeritus of São Paulo (Brazil)

The Rt. Rev. Nicolas James
Samra, titular Bishop of Gerasa and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of the Eparchy of
Newton (United States of America)

The secretariat was provided by:

The Rt. Rev. Michel Abrass, Secretary General of the Synod,

assisted by Father Elias
Shatawi, Economos General and Father Antoine Dib, Chancellor of the



His Beatitude Patriarch Gregorios
III opened the Synod, before a delegation of journalists, with a speech welcoming
the hierarchs and superiors general: 

The Patriarch
in his opening remarks called to mind the late Rt. Rev. Antoine Hayek,
Archbishop emeritus of Paneas-Marjayyoun (Caesarea Philippi), who had departed
this life on Saturday, 1 May 2010, and asked the Lord in his mercy to receive

The Patriarch
then moved on to the main topics, first of all inviting the faithful children
of our Church to adhere to their faith and religious obligations and bear the
difficulties and pressures which affect the Christian community today.

He proposed as
examples the apostles and martyrs whose shrines he had visited, and where they
had proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and been martyred for his sake: the
Apostle Thomas in India, the Apostle Paul in Malta and the Apostle James in
Saint James of Compostela in Spain.

His Beatitude
repeated his appeal to the faithful not to be afraid of the future, exhorting
them to optimism and trust in God, who never abandons his children.

His Beatitude
similarly called to mind the preparations for the Synod of Bishops’ Special
Assembly for the Middle East The Catholic Church in the Middle East:
Communion and Witness
, convoked by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for
October 2010.

The Patriarch
recalled that he had addressed a letter to the Heads of State of Arab
to explain to them the meaning and objectives of that special
Synodal Assembly and its importance for the Christian presence and for
co-existence in the Middle East, developing faith values, human rights, freedom
of religion and conscience, the value of women and the protection of families:
all values common to Christians and Muslims.

His Beatitude
had received a letter from His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI with
his good wishes for the success of the Synod, for continuous renewal in the
mission particular to the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, and on the eve of the
Synod of Bishops’  Special Assembly for
the Middle East, for the Church to be a communion and witness among Christians,
and a stabilising factor for peace and brotherhood among the peoples of the

At the
beginning of the session, the Fathers of the Synod had addressed a letter to
the Holy Father, asking for His Holiness’ blessing on the work of the Synod.

His Beatitude spoke again on the
first day of the Synod in a meditation for the half-day of recollection:

The Patriarch
presented the main points from his Christmas Letter 2009 for the Year for
Priests, emphasising the duty of holiness for each bishop and priest, and the
need for permanent formation, commensurate with the rapid progress in all
sectors; he also emphasised the need for openness on the part of priests
towards working with lay-people.

The Patriarch
communicated some good news:

1.    He will make a pastoral visit
to Latin America (August-September 2010) to our eparchies of Brazil, Venezuela
and Argentina. In the last country, he will take part in the seventh congress
of the eparchies of the expansion.

2.    In 2011, the jubilee of the
bicentenary of the Patriarchal Residence of Ain Traz will take place.

3.    In the spring of 2011, there
will take place in Rabweh the inauguration of the Al-Liqa’a
international centre for the dialogue of civilisations and next year there will
be the first conference, in memory of the late Archbishop Elias Zoghby, who was
a great voice calling for Christian unity.


The Rt. Rev. Bishop Issam John
Darwish presented, on the occasion of the Year for Priests, a study, submitted
for discussion by the Fathers of the Synod, entitled “Priestly Integrity,”
calling attention to priestly training and vocations.

The Fathers discussed ways and
means of our Church’s participation in the Synod of Bishops’ Special Assembly
for the Middle East and decided upon the topics to be dealt with by each of
them during the Synod.

The topic of ecclesiastical
also drew the Fathers’ attention, particularly, how to enable
competent and qualified lay-people to take part in the business assigned to
these tribunals. They underlined the importance of preparing priests
specialising  in canon law prior to their
taking office. They recommended expediting the verdicts on matrimonial cases
and not prolonging the trials. They decided that a Council for Family
should be formed in each eparchy, as families are the foundation
of Church and society.

The Fathers reviewed the
activities that had marked the Year for Priests, in the Patriarchate in general
and the eparchies in particular. Then, they were expecting progress in the
beatification and canonisation process of the Servant of God, Beshara Abou
Mrad, hieromonk of the Basilian Order of the Most Holy Saviour.



The Fathers examined the report
on the Patriarchal Major Seminary of Saint Anna (Rabweh, Lebanon). For
the ad hoc Committee supervising the Seminary, the Fathers elected
Archbishop Joseph Absi, Patriarchal Vicar in Damascus, to succeed Archbishop
Georges Kwaiter, who has resigned from the Committee.

A report was presented about the Community
. The Fathers asked the Canonical Commission to prepare an internal
statute to help develop the fund to meet the increasing needs of the Eparchies
and institutions in realising their projects.

The Patriarchal Liturgical
, presided over by His Beatitude, and whose Secretary is the
Economos, Elias Shatawi, presented a report on its work, especially with regard
to the re-printing of the Evangelion, the Epistolarion, the little Euchologion
and the Typikon. Attached to the report was a list of all the liturgical books,
texts and hymns published by the Commission since 1992. His Beatitude recalled
the obligation for everyone to respect liturgical norms, according to the
Church’s requirements regarding unity and discipline. 

Some Fathers also provided data
on developments in the eparchies, which are workshops for the glory of
God, the service and preservation of faith and the development of man and

Then Mrs. Neveen Haj Shaheen,
director of the patriarchal quarterly Le Lien, gave a
presentation about the magzine, asking for it to be circulated and asking for
news from the eparchies, as the review is our Church’s window opening onto the
western world and our children in all the regions of our Church’s expansion.


Resolutions and Appeals

The Fathers of the Synod strongly
condemned the harrassment, even killings, perpetrated by extremist groups
against our Christian brethren in Iraq, who are the oldest inhabitants
of the country and are good citizens, having lived in peace for centuries with
their non-Christian fellow-citizens.

The Fathers launched a world-wide
appeal for help for Iraq’s Christians, bishops, priests and faithful (including
university students), to protect their presence in the country and to work for
peace in that country, so that all its inhabitants, Christians and Muslims, can
work to promote their living together according to the age-old tradition of
that country.

The Fathers of the Synod did not
fail to register the repercussions of the situation in Palestine,
particularly in Gaza and Jerusalem. They strongly condemned the blockade
imposed by the Israeli authorities on the Gaza strip, which deprives its
inhabitants of many of the basic necessities for life. They appealed to
international bodies to intensify their pressure for the delivery of aid to the
Gaza strip.

They stressed the importance of
the restoration of Palestinian rights and peace in
the Middle East, because it is the key to peace in the world. They also appealed to all governments and regional
principalities and powers to impose a quick
solution to this grave crisis. Similarly, they appealed to Palestinians for
national unity to ensure the achievement of their supreme goal of establishing a
worthy Palestinian homeland.

The Fathers addressed the Lebanese
, especially the police, requesting that they redouble their
effective vigilance and take care to thwart sedition and the spread of
lawlessness, such as the distribution of leaflets calling for the expulsion of
Christians east of Saida from their villages. They also appealed for the
Government to work effectively against the epidemic sweeping our young people,
such as drugs, moral confusion, etc., so that Lebanon can always remain an
oasis of peace, and be worthy of the popular proverb, “Blessed is he who owns a
goat-shelter in Mount Lebanon!”


Elections and next Synod

The Fathers went on to elect bishops
to eparchies that had become vacant: the names of those elected were sent to
the Congregation for Oriental Churches.

They also specified the dates of
the Synod for next year, from 20 to 25 June, 2011.



The Synod concluded with the Divine
, presided over by His Beatitude, surrounded by the Fathers of the
Synod, praying ardently for the sons and daughters of our Church, clergy,
monks, nuns, and lay-people committed to serving the Church and all our
faithful throughout the world, especially for strengthening faith and bringing
about justice, love and peace.

Translation from the French: V. Chamberlain