The Gift of Peace and the Spread of Orthodoxy in Northern Uganda | Ορθόδοξη Ιεραποστολή -Orthodox Mission

by Emily Robertson (6/26/2014)

In northern Uganda, an area that has been decimated by war and is finally becoming more secure, “every day, everywhere you go, people are waiting to become Orthodox”, says Fr. Emmanuel Oruk. So many people want Orthodoxy in northern districts like Lira, Oyam, and Apad that it is difficult to minister effectively to all of them. Fr. Emmanuel, who recently visited the Orthodox Christian Mission Center in St. Augustine, FL., is one priest in the region who has been very instrumental in spreading the faith. After finishing his studies in Athens in 1994, he returned home just as OCMC’s first Mission Team to Uganda arrived to help build a church.

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The Gift of Peace and the Spread of Orthodoxy in Northern Uganda | Orthodox Mission