BBC News – Syria conflict: The suffering civilians of west Aleppo – interview with Melkite Archbishop Hean Jeanbart

BBC – 16 June 2014

Divided between government and rebel halves for nearly two years, the historical Syrian city of Aleppo has suffered devastation on a massive scale. As the first Western journalist to reach the
government-held part by road from Damascus, the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen reports on how west Aleppo’s civilians are struggling to survive.
“As the Greek-Catholic Archbishop of Aleppo, Metropolitan Jean Jeanbart, was showing me bomb damage in his church close to the old city, another mortar hit the Armenian church next door with a great crash. I asked him about the insistence in Western governments that President Assad must step down.”

Read extensive report here:

BBC News – Syria conflict: The suffering civilians of west Aleppo