AFRICA/EGYPT – The draft Constitution “explained” in the Cathedral of Minya – Fides News Agency

Minya (Agenzia Fides) – On Tuesday evening, December 17, Anba Antonios Aziz Mina, Coptic Catholic Bishop of Giza, will hold a public meeting in the Coptic Catholic cathedral of Minya to illustrate the contents and guidelines of the new draft constitution on which the Egyptians will be called to express themselves in the constitutional referendum scheduled for mid-January. Bishop Mina participated as a representative of the Catholic Churches in the Constituent Assembly of 50 members that drafted the constitutional text.

 Bishop Mina will explain the contents of the Constitution and the inspirational criteria, he will highlight the strong points and the things that could have be treated in a more appropriate manner. The intent is to provide citizens with useful information to their discernment, so that everyone can make his own choices in a responsible manner, with no constraints of manipulated propaganda. There will be no voting instructions, and no attribution of “religious” meanings regarding the choices that citizens are called to do, in freedom”.

 Egyptian President Adli Mahmud Mansur has invited all citizens to participate in the referendum. While the Muslim Brotherhood express their opposition. On the opposite side, also the former Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa has resorted to religious language to urge the Egyptians not to boycott the polls, saying that “Allah will support “those who are going to vote. The former Grand Mufti in October made headlines with statements in which he argued the legality of killing the Muslim Brotherhood, accusing the Islamist forces of having deviated the true message of the Quran. (GV). (Agenzia Fides 17/12/2013)

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AFRICA/EGYPT – The draft Constitution “explained” in the Cathedral of Minya – Fides News Agency