ASIA/LEBANON – President Sleiman: Christians in the Middle East do not follow the theories regarding “alliance among minorities ” – Fides News Agency

Bkerké (Agenzia Fides) – The Christians of Lebanon and the Middle East, worried about their future, should avoid giving credit to fallacious theories such as the “alliance among minorities” and would do well to choose their own guidelines as those present in the two apostolic Exhortations addressed to them by Popes John Paul II (1997) and Benedict XVI (2013). These suggestions were expressed by the Lebanese President, Michel Sleiman during a ceremony held on Friday 15 November in Bkerké, at the seat of the Maronite Patriarchate, on the occasion of the publication of a book on Benedict XVI’s visit to Lebanon (13-15 September 2012). “As Christians”, said President Sleiman “we should apply the apostolic Exhortations rather than trying other ways, other mechanisms and other projects”. “This”, added Sleiman “means safeguarding the ‘establishment’ of the Lebanese in the Arab world in which they find themselves”.

Full report here:

ASIA/LEBANON – President Sleiman: Christians in the Middle East do not follow the theories regarding “alliance among minorities ” – Fides News Agency