ASIA/SYRIA – Muslim leader of the opposition: immediately release all the Christians kidnapped – Fides News Agency

Geneva (Agenzia Fides) – Sheikh Mohammad Abdel- Hady al- Yaaqubi, Islamic scholar and member of the Syrian opposition present at the Geneva 2 talks, called upon “all Islamic militants to immediately release all those who are unjustly detained against their will, especially the innocent bishops, nuns and monks”. Al Yaaqubi strongly emphasized that acts of violence and abuses against innocent people “do not reflect the values of Islam”.

The statements were issued in past days by the scholar during a press conference followed by the meeting that some members of the Syrian anti- Assad opposition had in Geneva with the Norwegian and Lutheran theologian pastor Olav Fykse Tveit, general Secretary of the World Council of Churches. During the talks with the Syrian guests, Dr. Tveit called for prayers for peace in Syria. “We as religious leaders have to carry the hope that miracles are possible and that there will be peace. If we are not doing this, who will?” said among other things, the General Secretary of the WCC. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 18/02/2014)

ASIA/SYRIA – Muslim leader of the opposition: immediately release all the Christians kidnapped – Fides News Agency