When I heard that a friend was suffering, I immediately thought of the late Father Gary Gill. He was a humble man who carried his cross and ministered to those in need.…

When I heard that a friend was suffering, I immediately thought of the late Father Gary Gill. He was a humble man who carried his cross and ministered to those in need.…
Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski, hitherto Eparch of New Westminster (Canada) is today appointed bishop of the Eparchy of the Holy Family of London for Ukrainian Greek-Catholics in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and…
To His Holiness Bartholomew Archbishop of Constantinople Ecumenical Patriarch Your Holiness, dear Brother, With deep affection and spiritual closeness, I send you my cordial good wishes of grace and peace in the…
Kyr Hlib serving in Rome on the day of his resignation “The authority of a bishop is not the strength of his power, but the power of his willingness to serve.” – Kyr…
Catholic and Coptic Orthodox Archbishops to pray Vespers together Press Release for immediate release 26.10.2018 At the kind invitation of Bishop Hlib Lonchyna the Eparchial Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of…
The following article appeared on page 5 of the 13 November 1959 edition of The Catholic Herald: Eastern Churches Society Forming Links of Charity A gesture of goodwill towards separated Christians was successfully…
The Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate announced on 7 September 2018 that within the framework of the preparations for the granting of autocephaly to the…
On Saturday, 23 June 2018, the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family in Westminster celebrated 50 years since its solemn opening. The hierarchical Divine Liturgy, celebrated by Kyr Hlib (Lonchyna), Bishop…
“How I Found the Church at Saffron Hill” by Father Josaphat François Joseph Victorien Jean, OSBM translated from “Як я знайшов церкву на Сафрон Гіл?,” in Наша Церква, vol. 15, no. 2 [79] (April–June 1967),…
A Plea for Removing One More Skandalon in an Increasingly Scandalized World by Very Rev. Dr. Peter Galadza Allow me to begin by suggesting that today’s “new circumstances and challenges” referenced in the Draft Document “Relations…