Chaldean Church: Six Christian families leave Iraq every day | Iraq Society, Al Sumaria

The Chaldean Church in Kirkuk announced on Tuesday, December 17 that about 6 Christian families leave Iraq every day, criticizing foreign consulates and embassies for easily giving visas to these families. The Church also revealed that a successor to Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako I as Archbishop of Kirkuk has been nominated awaiting the Vatican Pope’s recognition.

“Emptying the Middle East from Christians is a great loss. Their presence, competence and liberality are vital to the society and the Muslim majority appreciates that”, said church priest Stephan Banan in a statement to Alsumaria. He also highlighted that: “approximately 6 Christian families leave Iraq daily due to a comprehensive strategy adopted to help Christians flee by giving them visas to foreign countries”.

“Some Christians leave Iraq in fear of being targeted after hearing threats”, clarified the Church’s communiqué, asking “why do Christians leave the secure areas such as the northern parts of Iraq after tens of villages were built for them?”

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Chaldean Church: Six Christian families leave Iraq every day | Iraq Society