Chaldean Patriarch Raphael’s Message for Advent: The flame of hope lights up Christmas for Iraqi Christians – Asia News

In his message to the faithful during Advent, His Beatitude calls for “courage” and “perseverance”, following the example of Abraham. He urges the faithful to keep the faith alive, even amid “suffering, anxiety and the considerable challenges.” He also calls on Muslims to join and be part of a true “peace project” for the country.

Baghdad (AsiaNews) – In his Christmas message, Mar Raphael Louis Sako, Patriarch of Chaldeans knocks on doors of Christians, urging them to be steadfast and keep the faith alive even amid “suffering, anxiety and the considerable challenges.”

Despite a difficult time for Iraq’s Christian minority, which has seen its size cut by half in the past ten years, Mar Sako expressed hope that the festivity, his first as patriarch, would be the “title of a real vital project that is achieved only by the one who understands it and finds in it his delight, and courage to go further.”

His Beatitude’s message is also directed at “fellow” Muslims, whom he urges to work and contribute to a “peace project” because “the Good News of Christmas is for all.”

Likewise, he also calls for an end to violence, to be replaced by a “logic of dialogue” that is a source of real reconciliation of the country’s various groups.

Turning finally to his community, the patriarch thanked its members for their “perseverance”, and for the “courage” with which they bear witness to the “flame of hope”, following the example of Abraham.

Here is His Beatitude Mar Sako’s Christmas message:IRAQ Patriarch Sako: The flame of hope lights up Christmas for Iraqi Christians – Asia News