“Bridge-building between Churches of East and West”





Turvey Abbey, BEDFORD


 Saturday 20 July, 2013


10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.




  • Dame Mary Tanner: a President of the World Council of Churches, formerly Moderator of Faith and Order – “Staying together on the ecumenical journey: a story of bridge-building between East and West” [the work of listening and understanding of the Commission that helped the Orthodox to remain within the WCC]
  • Rev Canon Dr Robert Gibbons, Eastern Catholic Melkite, Lecturer at The Kellogg Foundation, Oxford – “Eastern Catholic Churches as bridge-builders between East and West”
  • Sr Esther of Turvey Abbey: Iconographer and Teacher; President and Founder-member of The British Association of Iconographers – “Icons—a means of building bridges between Eastern and Western Churches”


Charge: £20 . Please make Cheques/POs, payable to Turvey Abbey and send (name, address, email and telephone number) to Sr Lucy Brydon, (Christian East-West Day), Turvey Abbey, Turvey, BEDFORD MK43 8DE. 


Numbers are limited: prior booking essential. Deadline for booking is July 6, 2013


Please bring a packed lunch. Coffee, tea, milk and biscuits are provided