Christians are the Arab Spring’s biggest losers, says Melkite archbishop Chacour – Vatican Insider

Christians are the Arab Spring’s biggest losers, says Melkite archbishop Chacour – Vatican Insider

Archbishop Elias Chacour concludes – with some justice – with reference to global Catholic support to Holy Land Latins, but not Byzantines:

“There are fewer of them compared to us. The community of Arab Catholics under the Latin Rite is composed of 10 thousand people; but they have a Patriarch, four bishops, hundreds of priests and numerous women religious: lucky them! We need to do more in terms of sharing not just communion. It is not just our problems we should share. You will know that every year we hold a Good Friday collection for the Holy Land’s Christians. I can assure you that although I am Catholic, I see nothing of these offerings.”

The collection Chacour was referring to, is traditionally split between the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land and the Latin Patriarchate.