Egyptian Christians Continue to Face Attacks | ZENIT interview with John Pontifex, of Aid to the Church in Need UK

In the weeks and months following the wave of violence in Egypt that saw the destruction of scores of churches, Christian communities in the country continue to face persecution and the threat of attack.

Another incident of violence came last week when gunmen opened fire on a Coptic Christian wedding, killing four people – including two children – and wounding a dozen more.

A series of violent protests followed the removal of Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi from office on July 3, some culminating in acts of persecution and attacks against Coptic Christians and their places of worship.

John Pontifex is the editor-in-chief of the Religious Freedom in the World Report created by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) International. Speaking with ZENIT, he explained what this act of violence means for Christians in Egypt. Read the interview here:

Egyptian Christians Continue to Face Attacks | ZENIT – The World Seen From Rome