‘Encounter with God’ A conference in memory of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Saturday, November 14, 2009

No one can turn toward eternity if hehas not seen in the eyes or on the face of at least one person the shining of eternal life.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh


Church Hall,
Serbian Orthodox Church of St Sava,
89-91 Lancaster Road, London W11 1QQ.


9:00 am – Coffee and Registration

9:45 am – Morning Talks

  • I. Encountering God in Liturgical Prayer – The Rev’d Canon Hugh Wybrew, Former Vicar of St Mary Magdalen, Oxford
  • II. A Living Diocese to Serve a Living God – Costa Carras, Athens
  • III. Metropolitan Anthony: A Gift From God – The Rev’d Canon Donald Allchin, Former Vicar of Canterbury Cathedral

12:30 pm – Lunch

1:30 pm – Afternoon Talks

  • IV. Metropolitan Anthony: My Memories in Paris – Veronique Lossky, Professor emeritus of the Sorbonne, Paris
  • V. ‘What Is Man, That Thou Art Mindful of Him?’ – Father John Lee, St. Andrew Holborn, London

3:15 pm – Coffee and Refreshments

3:45 pm – Round Table:‘Encounter With God’ – How did Metropolitan Anthony’s own encounter with God affect his encounter with others? What can we learn from this?

Chair: Karin Greenhead
Panel: Archdeacon Peter Scorer, Gillian Crow, Costa Carras, Veronique Lossky

5:30 pm – Film: ‘On the Threshold’

6:00 pm – Panikhida (prayers for the departed)

For further details and booking (£10) – go to the Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh Foundation here.