Kidnapped priest is free. But accused of organizing riots

It is clear that the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is being targeted by the Russian occupying forces in Crimea. In January, the Ukrainian Catholic Church was threatened by the then President of Ukraine, Yanukovich’s government, with “de-registration” – legal dissolution, and presumably, as under Stalin, the expropriation of its assets. Yanukovich deserted his post and is now in hiding in Russia.

This news was live on Saturday, and we post it Sunday, with the intelligence that one reason Father Mykola was arrested is because he opted to stay with his flock and refused to leave. It is almost needless to say that the charges on which he was arrested and bailed were trumped up.

The priest of a Ukrainian Greek Catholic church Father Mykola Kvych,who was kidnapped by armed men on Saturday morning in Sevastopol was later freed, the local police chief of the Crimean port town announced. And UGCC press office confirmed.

The priest, had been threatened numerous times and invited to leave Crimea. So called Crimean police released UGCC priest after few hours of examinations. He is suspected in organizing provocations and mass riots. Father Mykola categorically denied these accusations. He said that he remains in the Crimea with his faithful.

As RISU informed earlier the Catholic priest was abducted in the morning. For several hours his destiny was unknown

Kidnapped priest is free. But accused of organizing riots