One in Christ, Summer 2009

The latest edition of One in Christ is now published and fully justifies the courageous decision of the Olivetan Benedictines to revive this important contribution to ecumenical dialogue and awareness.

As usual, space is given to a focus on Eastern Christianity and Christian Unity:

  • Dom Bede Winslow 1888-1959, a memoir by Sr Benedict Gaughan OSB, who has done so much to give new impetus to Dom Bede’s vision of unity with the Christian East
  • The Figure of Mary from Israel to the Church in the Orthodox Tradition, by Dom Nicholas Egender OSB of Chevetogne
  • Re-establishing the Sacramentality of Creation: Understanding the So-called Gnosticism of Paul Florensky, by the Revd Dr B.J. Lawrence Cross

One in Christ is available by subscription by applying to the editors. Contact details are on the website.