East-West Monastic Meeting IVa, Open Day, Minster Abbey, November 2003

A special East-West or Orientale Lumen Open Day was held at Minster Abbey in November 2003, in honour of the memory of Dom Bede Winslow OSB, 1888-1959.

The principal contributions were:

  • Bede, Theodore and a Patristic Tradition in England, Sister Benedicta Ward, SLG, Fairacres
  • The Christian East and West: Hopes for Convergence in a single cup, Archpriest Sergei Hackel (this appeared in The Tablet, 29 November 2003), Russian Orthodox Church. This remarkable address was received with deep appreciation
  • Bishop Basil of Sergievo, Russian Orthodox Diocese of Sourozh
  • Fr Thomas Weinandy OFM Cap.

A short account of the Meeting was subsequently given by Sister Benedict Gaughan OSB in One in Christ, volume 40, no. 3, April 2005.