Patriarch Kirill calls for revised translation of Russian Bible : News Headlines – Catholic Culture

Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow has called for a revision of the Russian Synodal Bible, the translation in use in the Russian Orthodox Church since 1876.    “There are some flaws and mistakes that should be corrected from the point of view of modern knowledge and modern style, but we should by no means create a new version, thus reducing to naught the significance of the Synodal Translation,” the Patriarch said, according to an Interfax news agency report.    “To make a good translation into Russian we need to conduct an in-depth study into the Cyril and Methodius tradition, and that necessitates the study of a great number of theories and the issuance of a critical edition of a Slavic text of the Bible,” he added.

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Patriarch calls for revised translation of Russian Bible : News Headlines – Catholic Culture