Persecuted and Forgotten? ACN tells the story of 17-yr-old Ayman Labib, killed by his teacher and schoolmates for being a Christian

The bereaved mother of Ayman Labib holds a portrait of her son, whowas beaten to death for wearing a cross. Photo copyright Lauren E Bohn

ACN UK writes:

Ayman Labib was just 17 when he was martyred for his faith. He had refused to cover a cross tattooed on his arm – which Coptic Christians in Egypt have as a sign of identity – and instead took out a crucifix which he wore under his shirt.

His teacher began to throttle him and other students joined in beating him. Ayman escaped to the toilets but was caught by his classmates, who beat him to death.

Ayman’s tragic story is just one of hundreds of cases of anti-Christian violence and persecution revealed in our new report, Persecuted and Forgotten? The report is available online, complete with videos, case studies and profiles. It highlights how, in 20 of the 30 countries of most concern, the persecution of Christians has got worse.

Please do take a little time to find out more about the suffering Christians endure for their faith – and don’t forget to share this important report in your parish and via your online social networks.

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