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And here is a Press Release from the Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarchate in Damascus, about the Syrian Church’s own history of efforts to relieve need and witness to Christ’s light in its own land.

Celebration of 150
years of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society in Damascus

Damascus 29 September

Patriarch Gregorios III presided
at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of the Dormition in
Damascus on Sunday 29 September. The day marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society in Damascus.

Concelebrating with His Beatitude
was Archbishop Joseph Absi, Patriarchal Vicar and other members of the clergy. Among
other dignitaries present were the Minister for Social Affairs, Kinda al-Shamat
 and other members of Parliament. The
grandson of righteous layman George Bitar was present in the congregation which
filled the church. Some Muslims were present to celebrate the occasion alongside
Christian worshippers.

In his sermon, His Beatitude
spoke of the need for more solidarity among all Syria’s citizens despite the
crisis, as this would be the guarantee for reconciliation and a peaceful future
for the country.