Russian Orthodox Church calls Maydan protesters a “horde” and calls on Russia to intervene in the internal affairs of Ukraine | The Catholic Commentator

As reported by Interfax, the head of the Synodal Department of the Russian Orthodox Church on Church-Society, Vsevolod Chaplin, called the Maydanivskyy movement in Ukraine the “new horde.”

Chaplin also believes that the Maydanivtsi are a small group of people, the majority of whom support far-right wing Ukrainian nationalists. “They are a small group of people spreading lies, both theological and from a public opinion perspective,” – said the Moscow church dignitary. “An historic choice now confronts the will of the people” – to keep Ukraine with the regional orbit of Russia. Chaplin urged Russia and Belarus to actively intervene in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

Russian Orthodox Church calls Maydan protesters “horde” and calls on Russia to intervene in the internal affairs of Ukraine | The Catholic Commentator