Syria: Rebel group demands hostage swap for kidnapped nuns – Pravmir

In exclusive comments to Asharq Al-Awsat, Mohannad Abu Al-Fida’a, member of the communication bureau of Ahrar Al-Qalamoun, said: “The nuns are in a safe place, but they will not be released until several demands have been met, most importantly the release of 1,000 female Syrian detainees from the Syrian regime’s prisons.”

Fida’a added that the group’s demands have been conveyed to the Assad regime via the Vatican. He revealed that Ahrar Al-Qalamoun had established contact with head of the St. Thecla (Mar Takla) monastery in Maaloula, Mother Pelagia Sayyaf, who in turn had contacted the Vatican by satellite phone.

Although Ahrar Al-Qalamoun is not a well-known group, Fida’a clarified that it enjoys strong ties with the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Nusra Front.

“These are joint demands from Ahrar Al-Qalamoun and the Al-Nusra Front,” he said.

Abu Al-Fida’a also revealed that “the Vatican requested that the nuns be transferred from Maaloula to a Christian household in Yabrud, but this request has been rejected until our conditions are met.”

Read the full report here:

Syria: Rebel group demands hostage swap for kidnapped nuns – Pravmir : A Russian Orthodox Church Website