Syriac Catholic Delegation to the Holy See

From the Vatican Information Service:

At the end of today’s general audience, the Pope presented a Syriac Catholic delegation led by His Beatitude Ignace Youssif III Younan who, “on this his first official visit, is accompanied by patriarchs emeritus, bishops and faithful from the Middle East and other parts of the world where Syriac Catholics live, thus maintaining a living bond between the Eastern Christian tradition and the Bishop of Rome”.

Benedict XVI went on: “My affectionate greetings go to the venerable Patriarch Youssif, to whom I have already granted the ‘communio ecclesiastica’ which, in accordance with the holy canons, he requested from me as soon as he was elected. That communion will find public expression in the divine liturgy in the Syriac-Antiochean rite to be held tomorrow in the basilica of St. Mary Major, at which Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, will participate as my representative.

“While giving assurances of my prayers for you, dear brother”, the Pope added addressing the patriarch, “and for all those accompanying you, I would like to express my solicitude and concern for all the Eastern Catholic Churches, encouraging them to continue the ecclesial mission, though beset by many difficulties, in order to build universal unity and peace”.