Tag: catholic-orthodox dialogue

Catholic-Orthodox Pastoral Consultation in England

After almost two years of careful preparation, the first meeting of a new pastoral consultation between Orthodox and Catholics in England took place in Oxford in February 2014. It is jointly sponsored…

Bleeding Wound in a Political Heart

The Russian Army tries to force Eastern Catholics of Pratulin  to abandon communion with the Apostolic See of Rome The Maidan revolution of dignity was supported by all Churches and religious groups of…

UGCC Responds to Patriarch Kirill’s Accusations

“Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church, has recently called upon the Primates of Orthodox Churches to protect Orthodox Christians in Eastern Ukraine from “uniates” and “schismatics.” Here is the official response…

Russian-Ukrainian War: High Time to Preach Justice

Below is an abbreviated English translation of the key points from a recent interview by Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, Major-Archbishop (Patriarch)-emeritus of Kyiv-Halych. The complete Ukrainian-language interview may be found at credo.ua. 1.…

Hilarious — even Chaplinesque: Hilarion v. the Greek Catholic Church

Andrew Sorokowski, 26 June 2014, RISU In Metropolitan Hilarion’s view, the crisis in Ukraine, which in fact consists of a Russian invasion, is being exacerbated by the Greek-Catholic Church. Evidently, standing by…