1. We, Francis, Bishop of Rome and Pope of the Catholic Church, and Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark, give thanks to God in the…
Tag: christology
Letter of His Beatitude Gregorios III Patriarch Antioch and All the East Of Alexandria and of Jerusalem For the Feast of the Nativity 25 December 2014 From Gregorios III, servant of Jesus…

The Centre’s programme of lectures for Michaelmas term in about to get under way: – A Lecture Series on the Armenian Church in history, during the Soviet era and its rebirth post-secularisation…
July 14th 2014, 15:08 by B.C., Erasmus APART from praying and lamenting, is there anything else that concerned outsiders, such as the Western churches, should be doing to help Christians and other…
Note the “God of God” that is not present in the Byzantine version but is in the Latin rite; no “homoousios” (“of one substance”), the repetition of phrases to attest the dogma…
Candida Moss, 06.08.14 Meeting the head of the Eastern Orthodox church, the pope set a date for a third historic meeting of Christian factions—a savvy move to control how his successors lead.…
In All Things Gerard O’Connell | Jun 2 2014 After returning to Istanbul from his meeting with Pope Francis in Jerusalem, Patriarch Bartholomew made the surprise announcement that the two of them…
Adam DeVille writes: The Catholic and Orthodox traditions are a lot closer than some think when it comes to the question of the conception of the Theotokos. Christiaan Kappes’ new book has the…
The search for unity A look at the 1,000-year-old divide between the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic churches — and what’s being done to bring them back together Adam A.J. DeVille OSV Newsweekly …
From Terrasanta – News from the Custody of the Holy Land text and photos di Carlo Giorgi, correspondent | 29 April 2014 The building site of the Latin Catholic church of the…