The Divine Liturgy and Theophany, as well as a film on history, religion and culture. Eparchia di Piana degli Albanesi – il portale liturgico e culturale dell’Eparchia
Tag: italo-albanian
Group that follows the Byzantine Greek Rite comes to Rome to cheer on the Pope

Archimandrite Donato Oliverio (56) as the new Eparchial Bishop of Lungro for Italo-Albanians in Continental Italy. Bishop-elect Donato was educated at Cosenza, Grottaferrata, and Rome. He is an alumnus of the Pontifical…
Centre for Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College – 18-19 January 2012 18 January from 10 am in the the Marie Eugenie Room Introduction Anthony O’Mahony and Lucian Leustean The Slovak Greek Church Simon Marincak…

by OCP on February 20, 2011 Examples of Greek Orthodox culture can still be found in Palermo, Sicily at the Santo Maria dell’Ammriaglio, (Santa Maria of the Admiral), the Martorana, which features…
Catholic-Orthodox Commission Recalls Priestly Commitment VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 29, 2010 thanks to Benedict XVI is expressing appreciation for the ecumenical commitment of Monsignor Eleuterio Fortino, 72, who died due…
Fr Mark Woodruff, Vice-Chairman, writes in Chrysostom for Pascha 2010, about the Ordinariates to be set up in the Roman Catholic Church for Christians of Anglican background and patrimony Western Uniatism? When…
The Ecumenical Patriarch Batholomeos & Archbishop Anastasios in Tirana Resurrection 1991-2003 – The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, Lynette Hoppe, with Introduction by Anastasios, Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and All Albania. Published…