Tag: melkite

Patriarch’s Call to Prayer and Fasting for Peace in Syria

In the ancient Eastern tradition of the Church, after Pentecost in June is observed the Fast (or period of abstinence) of the Twelve Apostles, chief among whom are Peter and Paul, whom…

Anglican “Uniates”?

By Fr John Salter, Chairman – in Chrysostom, Pascha 2012 Some twelve years ago I was sitting sipping coffee in the common room of the Melkite Greek Catholic seminary at Harissa, on top…

Eternal Memory: Canon Roger Greenacre

Fr John Salter, Chairman, writes in Chrysostom, for Pascha 2012: It was at the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham that I first met Roger Greenacre in 1959. Roger was in between jobs…

100 thousand dollars for the Syrian people, from Pope Benedict

From Patriarch Gregorios III Laham, of Antioch and all the East, Damascus, 31 March 2012: Patriarch Gregorios III, as President of the Assembly of the Catholic Hierarchy in Syria, together with Syrian…

Benedict XVI Sends Condolences for Pope Shenouda III

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 20, 2012 thanks to Zenit.org On learning of the death of the Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church His Holiness Shenouda III, Patriarch of Alexandria, the Holy Father Benedict…